Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year the theme will be climate action. We truly believe that Earth Day, April, 22nd, is an important moment for the Planet.
Zero Waste Shanghai is glad to offer companies 5 different sustainability activities to celebrate it, in a conscious and fun way. The Goal: raise awareness about what individuals and companies can do on a daily basis to start a real change NOW.
5 activities to celebrate the Earth Day inside your Company
1. #IAmZeroWaste Workshop
Do you want to give to your team easy tips about how to achieve and know what is going in China in terms of pollution, contamination and improvements?
The workshop will teach your employees a new easy and disruptive way to live that they will love and embrace.
Learn the essentials of the Zero Waste lifestyle and discover simple solutions to live more sustainably.
Learn about the principles of the five “r”s and how to apply them to everyday life to achieve an almost rubbish-free home.
We will go through every aspect of our daily lives and give solutions and advice to make sure you get to start this lifestyle right away!
The “sustainable starter pack”: we offer a goody bag with 8 Chinese Eco Brands to be able people start having a life without generating waste. Discover the goody bag
2. the MasterClass by Zero Waste Shanghai
Do you want your employees to start thinking in a more sustainable way and this new thinking impact in your whole business?
We have designed the MASTERCLASS by Zero Waste Shanghai to educate your team and bring everyone to a similar level of awareness.
Through 7 main themes (i.e. Re-Design, Reduce, Recycle, Training, Purchasing) your team will have a 360 degree understanding of what it means to operate in a Circular Economy.
Learn more here.
3. The Trash Hero Giant Game
Do you want a team building fun activity to learn more about how the new recycling law and the impact of waste and how to take action? We have the solution “Trash Heros” Giant Game Board.
Our goal is to bring the concept of sustainability in an engaging and fun way. 我们的宗旨是把可持续的概念用生动有趣的方式呈现出来。
We do this through active participation and exercises.
It’s through these interactions that we involve the participants and help them understand and then act upon a problem. We focus on the problem of the global environmental collapse and the plastic problem.
Our half day training will be divided into two parts: The first part is to introduce the concept of sustainability; the second part is the great board game, designed by us to put into practice the things learned prior: The Trash Hero Game.
4. Zero Waste Talk.
Zero Waste principles as a tool to fight the Climate Change talk is suitable for the entire team at once in a conference-like setting. We will use a ppt with a lot of large images and few words to catch the attention and share thought-provoking ideas on sustainability.
5. Amazing Tailored Events
We have tailored activities: zero waste conscious party, conferences, seminars, DIY workshops… to start thinking with a new sustainability approach for a real change NOW.
Call or email us to discuss
how we can make an impact together everyday.
Wechat: alizeebuyss
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“It does not matter
how slowly you go
so long as you do not stop.”